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来源: 文学汉字网 时间:2024-04-20
1、在你生日这一天,也留下我的愿望,愿你快乐每一天! In your birthday this day, also leave my wish, wish you happy every day! 2、朋友,希望你喜欢我送的晴朗,祝你生日快乐。 Friend, I hope you like the sunny day I sent you. Happy birthday. 3、今天是你的生日,一个我永远忘不掉的日子。 Today is your birthday, a day I will never forget. 4、陪你半生遍历山河,愿你觉得人间值得。 Accompany you to travel the mountains and rivers for half of your life, wish you feel that the world is worth it. 5、祝你生日快乐,愿你生活幸福,笑语轻扬。 I wish you a happy birthday and a happy life. 6、愿你从今往后,所遇到的一切,能给你向往热爱的力量。 May everything you encounter from now on give you the strength to yearn for love. 7、明天是闺蜜的生日,大家一起祝她生日快乐吧。 Tomorrow is my best friend's birthday. Let's wish her a happy birthday. 8、祝你天天好身体,生活工作都顺利! Wish you good health every day, life and work are smooth! 9、希望你身体强壮,快快长大,越长越可爱哦。 I hope you are strong and grow up fast. The longer you grow, the more lovely you are. 10、告你好消息,祝福到身旁,祝你生日快乐永安康。 Good news and best wishes for your birthday. 11、真诚的祝愿健康和快乐永远伴随你,生日快乐! Sincerely wish you health and happiness, happy birthday! 12、好同事,好朋友,好人一生快乐,生日大快乐啊! Good colleagues, good friends, happy life, happy birthday! 13、没有高格的生日祝福,只有一句简单而粗糙的:生日快乐。 Without Gog's birthday wishes, there is only one simple and crude sentence: happy birthday. 14、真挚的问候总是跟随着你,生日快乐! Sincere greetings always follow you, happy birthday! 15、亲爱的朋友,希望我的祝福没有迟到,生日快乐! Dear friends, I hope my blessing is not late, happy birthday! 16、亲爱的,祝你生日快乐!不管你走多远,我都在你身后! Dear, happy birthday to you! No matter how far you go, I am behind you! 17、生死与共,日夜兼程。快人快语,乐极则忧。 Life and death go hand in hand, day and night. When you are happy, you are worried. 18、世界多残酷,愿以后生活不亏待你。 How cruel the world is. I hope you won't be treated badly in the future. 19、祝愿你,乐无边,福无尽。生日快乐! I wish you endless joy and happiness. Happy birthday! 20、祝好姐妹吉祥如意,万事顺利。生日快乐! I wish you good luck and all the best. Happy birthday! 21、祝福你拥有一个甜蜜温馨、快快乐乐的生日,快乐永存在。 I wish you a sweet and happy birthday, happy forever. 22、愿君长似少年时,初心不忘乐相知。 May the king look like a young man, and never forget to know each other with joy. 23、友情是美酒,祝你生日快乐! Friendship is wine. Happy birthday to you! 24、祝你生日快乐,天天快乐! Happy birthday and every day! 25、在我的心里,你永远是可爱又美丽,祝生日快乐! In my heart, you are always lovely and beautiful. Happy birthday! 26、在这世界上很伟大的时刻,祝您生日快乐,健康长伴。 At the greatest moment in the world, I wish you a happy birthday and a long and healthy life. 27、愿你日子清净,抬头遇见的都是柔情,生日快乐。 Wish you a clean day, look up and meet all the tenderness, happy birthday. 28、愿君如海阔,壮浪云帆过。愿君平生路,一帆风顺度。 May the king be as broad as the sea and strong as the waves and clouds. I wish you a smooth life. 29、今天是你的生日,祝你松柏常青,永沐春风! Today is your birthday. I wish you evergreen pines and cypresses and spring breeze forever! 30、愿你想要的都拥有,得不到的都释怀。 May you have what you want and let go of what you can't get. 31、在试着把握生命的同时,愿你早日找到爱!生日快乐! In trying to grasp life at the same time, I hope you find love as soon as possible! Happy birthday! 32、愿生活中很美好的幸福都属于你,永远属于你。 May the best happiness in life belong to you forever. 33、快燃生日寿火烛,乐者前程星光路。 Fast burning birthday candles, happy future star road. 34、愿你有勇敢的朋友,有牛逼的对手。 May you have brave friends and powerful opponents. 35、他们祝你生日快乐,那我祝你遍历山河觉得人间值得。 They wish you a happy birthday, then I wish you to travel the mountains and rivers and feel that the world is worth it. 36、每天都是经历,每天都要精彩,每天都要快乐。 Every day is experience, every day should be wonderful, every day should be happy. 37、愿你成为自己的太阳,无需去借谁的光。 May you be your own sun, without having to borrow anyone's light. 38、今日是幸福的时光,很不平凡的日子,希望你能够开心。 Today is a happy time, the most extraordinary day, I hope you can be happy. 39、祝愿你,生日快乐,幸福相伴! Wish you a happy birthday and happiness! 40、有你的地方,就有我深深的祝福,祝你生日快乐! Have your place, have my deep blessing, wish you happy birthday! 41、今天,送你365个幸福,愿你每天都有幸福守护。 Today, I send you 365 happiness. I wish you happiness every day. 42、生死存亡,日异月新。快心遂意,乐极悲生。 Life and death are changing with each passing day. Happy and sad. 43、此去期程知远近,山河有尽情无尽。 It's a long way to go. The mountains and rivers are endless. 44、愿你一生有随处可栖的江湖,也有追风逐梦的骁勇。 I hope you will live in the Jianghu everywhere and have the courage to pursue the wind and dream. 45、只有点点的牵挂在心底,丝丝的祝福送给你:生日快乐! Only a little bit of care in the bottom of my heart, silk blessing to you: Happy Birthday! 46、又是一个新的开始,祝福你的身体结结实实。 It's a new beginning. I wish you a solid body. 47、生日快乐,生日快乐,年年青春永驻,岁岁幸福平安。 Happy birthday, happy birthday, eternal youth, happiness and peace. 48、一年中的今天属于你,一生中我这颗心属于你。 This day of the year belongs to you, and my heart belongs to you. 49、猪不要过来,这里太热了,怕你受不了。祝你生日快乐! Don't come here, pig. It's too hot. I'm afraid you can't stand it. Happy birthday to you!





